Gabriella Conetti has passed out


<<<April 2024>>>


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09 Apr, 2024 / 31 Dec, 2024
Milan - SICC Headquarters

It is with extreme sadness that we must unfortunately announce the passing of a pillar of the SICC Steering Committee, current Auditor, former Vice President and Honorary Secretary

Since her membership, way back in 1991, Gabriella has always dedicated herself to the promotion of our association, in particular in the organization of our international events including, memorably, the last IFSCC World Congress in 2019 in Milan, in which we want to remember her with an image still smiling and, despite everything, serene

His great emotional charge and humanity will be remembered for a long time among the members of our Association and among the colleagues of the multinational companies with which he collaborated for the promotion of the products and quality of the cosmetics.

A touching farewell and thanks also for the delicacy with which he preferred to leave, so as not to create disturbance to our environment in the last difficult times of his life