8th Intercontinental Personal Care Excellence Conference


<<<June 2025>>>


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11 Jun, 2025 Hr : 08:00 / 12 Jun, 2025 Hr : 18:00
Verona - Leon D'Oro Hotel ( VR )

8th Intercontinental Personal Care Excellence Conference

VERONA - 11 and 12 June 2025

IPCE over the years has established itself as a connecting bridge between the last IFSCC Congress and the following one: in this case Foz du Iguassù and Cannes!

The excellent scientific program, in which the authors of the best Posters of the IFSCC World Congress of Foz do Iguassu will alternate with internationally renowned Master Readers, will be completed by high-level social events, including the possibility of participating in the opening evening of the 'Arena Opera Festival 2025 which will open with NABUCCO by G. Verdi

This year too, prestigious locations have been chosen, in the historic center of Verona, a UNESCO heritage site, also known as the city of Romeo and Juliet: the Mascagni room of the Hotel Leon D'Oro will be the venue for the two days of the Conference, while the spectacular Palazzo Verità will host the gala dinner

The International Committee consists of the following experts

E. Mignini (SICC - ITA - Chair); A. Ciavola (ITA); F. Kanda (Mukogawa Women's University - JAP); M. Minamino (Mukogawa Women's University - JAP); S. Motta (ITA); T. O'Lenick (US); E. Piras (ITA); P. Romanowski (IFSCC - USA) C. Villa (Genua University - ITA)

thanks in advance those who will participate in this event and the companies that, demonstrating their interest in Cosmetic Sciences as promoters of people's well-being and environmental sustainability, will contribute to making this event "special"

Biobasic Europe– Complife - Davines – Gattefossè - Making Cosmetics – Pharma Cosm Polli - Saes Getters

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