The third module of the SPES courses deals with the evaluation of the effectiveness of cosmetic products


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24 Sep, 2024 Hr : 09:00 / 25 Sep, 2024 Hr : 18:00
Milano - AC Hotel ( MI )

The Qualification of Cosmetic Evaluators: Module 3

“The Cosmetic Effectiveness Evaluator”

The 3rd SPES Module deals with the Evaluation of effectiveness/functionality, terms we use to distinguish biological actions from those of a predominantly chemical-physical type,

The first session deals with the disciplines that regulate the processes responsible for guaranteeing cosmetic performance

The second session concerns product design (ingredients, formulation and production technologies) with the aim of optimizing its effectiveness

The third session deals with the methodologies and instruments for evaluating the level of achievement of the effectiveness objectives; the in-vivo, ex-vivo, in-vitro and in-silico tests most used to validate the boasted cosmetic performances will be taken into consideration

The fourth session, particularly innovative, is dedicated to aspects of communication in three directions: B2C, making use of disciplines such as Neuroscience and Neuromarketing, B2B and B2C, also using new AI techniques, and E2S (Environment to Skin !) with the foray into the still unexplored world of Epigenetics in Cosmetics

The course ends with exams and the awarding of diplomas

For this 3rd Module we envisage the Hybrid form, with the possibility of taking it remotely, but only "in-presence" participants will have the possibility of taking the exams and therefore of boasting, at the end of the complete cycle of the SPES Courses, the diploma of Cosmetic Performance Enhancer

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24 Sep 2024
9.30 Suardi Benedetta La legislazione cosmetica e le sue implicazioni su Efficacia e Funzionalità
10:15 Motta Stefania Principi di fisiologia e dei processi omeostatici pertinenti
11:00 Celleno Leonardo Le alterazioni fisiologiche nei principali inestetismi cutanei
13:15 Maramaldi Giada Sostanze funzionali: case histories
14:30 Ravidà Tino Fisiologia e trattamento efficace del cavo orale
15:30 Sartor Giovanna Le forme/strutture cosmetiche
16:30 Sommavilla Andrea Packaging & Process
17:15 Campestri Ilaria Impianti e processi
25 Sep 2024
9:15 Chiaratti Chiara Valutazione strumentale non invasiva in-vivo
10:15 Vicini Riccardo Valutazione ex-vivo ed in-vitro di efficacia
11:30 Guffanti Simone Paolo Valutazione in-silico
13:15 Garofalo Caterina Comunicazione B2C: neuroscienze e neuromarketing
14:15 Cataudella Giulio Comunicazione B2B e B2C: intelligenza artificiale
15:15 Nobile Vincenzo Comunicazione E2S (environment to skin): epigenetica