7th IPCE Conference


<<<June 2024>>>


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11 Jun, 2024 Hr : 10:00 / 12 Jun, 2024 Hr : 24:00
St. Mark Big School ( VE )

7th Intercontinental Personal Care Excellence Conference - Special Edition
Biodiversity & Sustainability - Rethinking Beauty

San Domenico Room - Scuola Grande di San Marco

IPCE over the years has established itself as a connecting bridge between the last IFSCC Congress and the following one: in this case Barcelona and Foz du Iguass!

This year IPCE is proposing a particular project, which is not only scientific but also cultural; that's why we called it Special Edition

In fact, together with the usual high-level scientific program, in which the authors of the best Posters of Barcelona 2023 will alternate with internationally renowned Master Readers, Venice will give you some social surprise; the gala dinner, which will be accompanied by a refined musical event, will be held in the splendid Sala della Musica of Ca Sagredo Hotel - Venice, overlooking the Grand Canal 

Rethinking beauty while respecting biodiversity and sustainability is the common thread that characterizes this 7th edition, which will once again be held in an Italian UNESCO heritage site

Due to the location, the Scuola Grande di San Marco, a treasure chest in the heart of Venice with limited availability of places, we recommend registering as soon as possible also to take advantage of the particularly reduced quotas dedicated to "extra-early birds"

The Final Scientific Program is almost defined, but some slots are still available fro pending lecturers! 

SICC congratulates in advance those who will participate (Early Birds and Late Birds Registration Rates ) and thanks the following companies that up to now have shown interest in Cosmetic Science as a driver of people's well-being and environmental sustainability and contribute to making this event "special"!


To register click here http://www.ipce2024.promoest.com/hp.aspx

To participate in this event or download documents you must register on the site and LOGIN and complete your PROFILE
11 Jun 2024
10:40 Masayoshi Hisama New accelerated skin permeation and efficient delivery technology with a combination of multiple capsules in cosmetic field
11:30 Yicheng Xu New Findings on Keratinocyte Pyroptosis: The Self-Portrait of Skin Metaflamm’aging
11:50 Ratan K. Chaudhuri Implications of Acetylation on the Longevity of Skin Health
12:20 Keisuke Yoshida Suppression of chronic itch by maltotetraose for sensitive skin
12:40 Tassone Beatrice Next Generation Anti-Aging with Natural Senolytics to Remove Skin Zombie Cells
14:00 Gamboa Laura Designing Wellness Mind-Body Interventions using neuroscience, artificial intelligence and the power of touch: measurements in real time to ensure skin and emotion transformation
14:20 Lademann Juergen LED-based diffuse reflectance measurements for the noninvasive determination of SPF and UVA-PF in vivo
14:40 Hichem Kichou Eco-design of cosmetic emulsions: contribution of high frequency ultrasonication technology
15:00 Pirotta Giulio Harnessing AI in the Beauty Science: Innovation and Safety in Cosmetics R&D and around
15:30 Di Lorenzo Ritamaria Innovative 2D and 3D analysis to assess lips volume boosting and lip line mouth-filling redesign, related to lip plumpers applications or lip augmentation techniques
15:50 Camargo Ludmila New approach methodology (NAM) for Coral acute toxicity assessment in the sunscreen’s development
12 Jun 2024
9:20 Merinville Eve Caring for the Environment, Caring for Ourselves: a Journey of Sustainable Beauty
9:40 Benito Silvia A novel platform for the discovery and biotechnological production of plant endophytes as a source of cosmetic actives
10:00 Caviglia Debora Innovative Microwave Mediated Procedure For Nades Synthesis And Green Extraction Of Sustainable Cosmetic Ingredients From Agri-Food Waste
10:20 Biganska Olga Natural cosmetic paradigm: Rethinking formulation design when simple substitution is not the solution
11:00 Pappas Apostolos Innovating for Skin Barrier
11:30 Tafuro Giovanni Reformulation of a cosmetic product in an eco-design perspective: how to replace non-ecofriendly ingredients without affecting the applicative properties
11:50 Francescato Stefano Skin disorders: new effective treatments from sustainable resources
12:10 Perugini Paola Ecofriendly cosmetic packaging based on a novel approach “waste no waste”
12:30 Heider Lilia Talc alternatives for pressed powder formulations with enhanced sensory
14:20 Yuta Nakagawa New design method for targeted texture using multivariate analysis: Case study of composite powders
14:40 Lloyd Payne Melda Melda The Use of Inorganic and Organic Pigments Treated with Stearoyl Glutamic Acid and Polyhydroxystearic Acid in Multiple Product Forms and Formulation Types
15:00 Tomonobu Ezure New Horizon in Anti-Aging Skin Care
15:30 Incarbone Elena Aurora Design of natural origin foundations based on rheological studies to select raw materials, to optimize textures and to predict stability
15:50 Stevic Milica A Review: Unveiling the Environmental Saga of Silicones in Cosmetics